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Attention: Upcoming Open House Seminars
To Be Announced
For more information on
upcoming seminars,
Peter King (602) 553-8178 x207
Fiancee Visas by Immigration Attorney Ms. Jones!
- Vice Chairperson of the Immigration Section of the State Bar of Arizona
- Member American Bar Association (ABA)
- Member American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)
View over 500
Video testimonials!

Discovery Channel

60 Minutes

New York Times

CBS News

Washington Post
And over 100 more!
Can't make a Romance Tour? No problem! We offer the safest, all-inclusive Individual Tours, to more locations, including Russia and Latin America, than any other company in the world!
- We average more engagements than our three closest competitors combined, accounting for thousands of satisfied brides and grooms since 1995!
- We are not a "Mail Order Bride" company; we are the largest, most respected International Introduction and Singles Tour Company in the industry, the only one to operate offices in every tour city.
- Our invitation only Russian Socials and Latin Socials boast the largest Foreign women-to-men ratios in the industry, and are regarded by Foreign women as the best and most tastefully done.
- We were the first Romance Tour Company on the Internet and remain the largest and most respected, with over 30 years of combined experience in Foreign Women Romance Tours.
- More media coverage than any other agency, including 60 Minutes, TIME, The Washington Post, The New York Times, MTV, Discovery Channel, and the full-length Motion Picture, Two Brothers and a Bride, A Foreign Affair.
- More Foreign Women Romance Tours, to more cities, than any other company in the world.
- 4-star hotel accommodations with single occupancy and private bath.
- All Russian, Latin, tours met, in the United States, by at least one American Tour representative, in addition to our English speaking, experienced Foreign staff.
- Tours of our Corporate Headquarters or any of our foreign offices are always available. No appointment necessary, just stop by, our doors are always open.
- 60% of our business is generated from satisfied client referrals
In addition to the thousands of Russian women profiled, we also feature Latin women and Asian women.
- Only Tour company to offer an after hours Tour Info Line to answer all your Romance Tour questions at your convenience, not ours. (602) 332-7805
- Over 40,000 beautiful, sincere foreign women to choose from, selected from over 600,000, Russian, Latin, and Asian applicants!
Don't take our word for it! We have hundreds of previous Romance Tour clients who are happy to share their experiences with you. Simply call us at (602) 553-8178 to obtain as many referrals as you like.
Announcing A Live Telephone Forum
to Answer YOUR questions about Foreign Women!
Be a part of A Foreign Affair's only live telephone discussion group as our panel answers your questions concerning Russian brides, Russian women, Latin women, Asian women immigration issues, cultural differences and Russian marriage services/Romance Tours. Our panel will include Ms. Jones, Immigration Attorney and Vice Chairperson of the Immigration section of the State Bar of Arizona, John Adams, President of A Foreign Affair, past Romance Tour clients and real Russian ladies who have married American men and are now living in the USA. You will be joined by up to 50 callers from around the world for an hour of informative, current and important information for anyone considering meeting and marrying a foreign woman.
Please join us every Monday evening from 9:30PM to 10:30PM Eastern Time. Participation is easy and FREE (normal long distance charges will apply). Simply call 1-404-920-6610 and when prompted enter conference code 935905# Once you have joined the conference simply press *1 to join the conversation!
Free Romance Tour Video or DVD!
Check Out Our New Singles Tour DVD! Call Us To Order: (602) 553-8178!
For a limited time A Foreign Affair is offering a free Romance Tour video or DVD to those who wish to learn more about our Foreign Women Romance Tours. We are constantly improving our Singles video and our latest one provides you with an excellent visual description of what the Romance Tour is really all about. In order to obtain your free Romance tour video or DVD, simply give us a call at (602) 553-8178 and ask for Steve, Fred, Ron or John, we will be happy to assist you
A Foreign Affair is a comprehensive International Introduction service specializing in introducing couples on a global basis. A Foreign Affair offers an entire host of services to ensure the success of our clients. The following are just some of the services you will find avaible to you via this site:
- Search Foreign Women Profiles: A Foreign Affair has more foreign women profiles from more countries listed than any other service of its kind! Whether you are interested in Russian women, Latin women, or Asian women you will find the foreign woman of your dreams!
- Romance Tours: We have been operating Russian women and Latin women Romance tours for over 10 years, and have become know as the leader in the International introduction industry for service, integrity, and consistency. We offer more than 30 Romance tours each year to such cities as:
St. Petersburg
Nizhniy Novgorod
Krivoy Rog
Barranquilla, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia
Lima, Peru
San Jose, Costa Rica
We offer more Romance Tours to more destinations than any other company.
- Individual Romance Tours: We know, because of schedules and other factors, not everyone can or cares to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities the Romance tours offer. For those individuals we offer the best possible Individual Romance Tours. Our years of experience and vast resources and infrastructure allow us to offer the most comprehensive, effective, and economic Individual Romance tours in the industry today- bar none.
- Comprehensive Fiancee Visas: We are a full service company; our goal is for you to find your special someone. Once that happens we do not simply stop working for you. We offer, in conjunction with Immigration Attorney Ms. Jones, Fiancee Visa processing for Russian women, Latin women, and Asian women that is designed to focus on both you and your Fiancee. Ms. Jones is highly qualified to offer Fiancee Visa services, she is the vice-chair of the immigration section of the State bar of Arizona, and is also licensed in Russia. Being Russian born she speaks Russian and English fluently and her assistant speaks Spanish fluently. More importantly, the attorney has been through the Visa process herself so she can relate very well with the women and put them at ease.
- Address Sales: We have been providing addresses of beautiful Russian women, Latin women, and Asian women for over 10 years. Each day we remove profiles of Foreign women who are no longer available. If you ever send a postal letter to a foreign woman and it is returned to you we will refund your money for that address or offer you two additional foreign women addresses to replace it. We guarantee and sell the postal address because that is the most reliable, however if we have an E-mail address for the foreign woman we include it along with the postal address at no extra charge. Many Russian women we serve, for example, do not have reliable access to the internet, thus postal letters, Express Mail, or Phone Translations will be the best way to contact the foreign women who do not have regular access to E-mail.
- Express Mail: Our State of the art Express Express Mail system is the fastest and most reliable way to get your letter to the Foreign women you are interested in, and every letter is translated for free! Unlike other services, we never edit the correspondence. Both you and her are free to send personal contact information, phone numbers, addresses, etc. through the system at any time.
- Phone Translation Service: Sometimes a letter just will not do and you want the instant contact only a phone call can provide. Our Russian and Spanish operators are standing by to place calls to the Russian women and Latin women with whom you are most interested. There is never a charge unless you actually speak directly with the foreign woman, and then there is only a 4 min. minimum charge. She is free to give you her personal contact information, including phone number at any time during the call. This is a great way to quickly gauge the interest of a Russian woman or Latin woman.
- Gift Delivery Service: We offer unique gifts to over 100 foreign cities including such cities as
St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kazan, Volgograd, Odessa, Crimea, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Nizhniy Novgorod, Donetsk, Krivoy Rog, Cartagena, Colombia,Barranquilla, Peru, Costa Rica.
The gifts are normally delivered within 24 to 48 hours and you will receive a translated message back from the Russian woman, Latin woman, or Asian woman expressing her gratitude and in many cases an actual photo of her receiving the gift!
- Visa Service: We can assist you in quickly obtaining Russian Visas, Ukrainian Visas and travel visas for virtually any country so you can visit the Russian women or Ukrainian women with whom you are interested.
- Apartment Rentals: We offer safe, comfortable, and economical accommodations in a number of different locations including St. Petersburg apartments, Kiev apartments, Cartagena Apartments, Odessa Apartments, Vinnitsa Apartments, Donetsk Apartments, Simferopol Apartments, Kherson Apartments, Sevastopol Apartments, Kharkov Apartments, Krivoy Rog Apartments, Dnepropetrovsk Apartments
- Adventure Travel: Discover A Foreign Affairs adventure travel packages when you can combine meeting young beautiful women and enjoy your favorite adventure travel, like golf, skiing, whitewater rafting, or one our new singles cruises.
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This Program Is The Sole Property Of A Foreign Affair And May Not Be Copied In Any Way Or Form, Without Permission From A Foreign Affair © Copyright 1996-2005 - All rights reserved.
Notice to competitors:
The information supplied by A Foreign Affair, including addresses, graphics and text is intended to be used by A Foreign Affair's clients for private non-commercial use only. Any use of this information for any commercial purposes without the prior written permission of A Foreign Affair is strictly prohibited.
Notice to users:
This site is intended for information purposes only. The owners and or affiliates of this site make no guaranties or warranties of any kind with regards to the veracity of any of the information included in any of the profiles featured on the site.
It is strongly recommended that you exercise caution when corresponding with other users listed on this site as well as any internet site, and independently confirm any information you deem to be material. If you have been solicited for money or experienced any other problems with anyone listed on this site, or have been solicited for services from another company as a direct result of your use of this site, please notify us at once by E-mailing at and we will look into the matter.
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7320 N Dreamy Draw Drive Phoenix, Arizona 85020 (602) 553-8178 FAX (602) 468-1119
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The information contained on this web site may provide general legal information but is not intended to give legal advice or counsel on any specific legal matter. It does not create an attorney-client relationship and should not be relied upon in lieu of legal counsel. The links provided in this web site are for the information and enjoyment of on-line readers and do not constitute an endorsement of products or services represented there.
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